Selenium IDE

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First of all  add selenium IDE into your Fire Fox

Steps to download Selenium IDE 
1) Start Fire Fox and go to
2) Download selenium IDE
3) Now restart your Fire Fox
4) Go to 'Tools' menu bar and start selenium IDE

Now your selenium IDE is ready to work . what ever you do in Fire Fox will automatically recorded by selenium IDE and appropriate selenium command will be generated for that .

As i already wrote in my last post that selenium IDE is only used for recording and playback kind of functionality. by using selenium IDE you can record your session and after that you can convert it into any languages like java , php ,c# , perl ,ruby etc

Description of Selenium IDE as highlighted in image

 Base URL : Specify the URL for which you want to record your session
 Speed : You can specify the speed while play back so that selenium can easily find out the element on the page if the response of the website is slow
You can play entire test suite or individual test case by selecting different option below the base URL
As you can see that some commands like 'open' , 'clickAndWait' and 'Type' are displayed in screenshot.
this command are called as selence (selenium command) which are automatically generated by selenium IDE while recording

You can also change the command generated by selenium IDE . for example in above screen if you want to change 'clickAndWait' with any other appropriate command like 'click' or 'clickAt' for that select the command from dropdowm list located above the find button..

Find button is basically used for to check whether the particular element is on page or not.

Red button at the top - right side is for start and stop the recording . by default its start for recording

Above screen shot shows different language supported by Selenium IDE. by default its in HTML .

Above screen shot shows that the recorded command is converted in to java for better improvement or customization . just copy and paste this code in to any IDE like eclipse or net beans and do some required changes.

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