Tips while passing credentials in URL

As u all might aware about the simple method to bypass authentication by passing credentials in URL......

for example : https://username:password@servername .........................

username : user1
password : Uvd2e
to bypass the authetication for this credentials ................
correct way :http://user1@Uvd2e@servername

its work fine if your credentials does not contain any special character like '#' ,< . > etc..

so what to do if your credentials contains this type of character???????????????
this character are called as 'Un safe characters'..............

list of unsafe characters {, }, |, \, ^, ~, [, ],  <, > ,+ etc..
example :

username : user1
password : Uvd2e#

Encoded URL : http : // user1 : Uvd2e%23@server name 
here ' #' is replaced by its hash code.......
Note : please put  '%' before hashcode

ASCII        HEX        ENCODED
<                 3C           %3C
>                 3E            %3E
+                 2B            %2B
?                  3F            %3F

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